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How to Make Sure Your Fans and Followers See Your Posts

Shocker: People are pissed at Facebook again. But this time it isn’t about privacy concerns or a failed IPO. The latest criticism to the social media giant has to do with how Facebook displays posts from pages in users newsfeeds. Facebook recently updated Edgrank – their proprietary algorithm that among other things, determines which posts should appear in your newsfeed, based on a variety of factors.

Matt Cutts: Guest Blogging is Dead

In case you missed it, Matt Cutts recently posted on his personal blog that guest blogging is [officially] dead. This shouldn’t come as much of a shock being that Google has been a warpath against poor quality content, specifically low quality guest posts, for quite some time now. Cutts suggests that SEO professionals and digital marketers seek out new ways of improving their sites rankings, preferably strategies that don’t violate Google’s quality guidelines.