SEO Consulting for Healthcare Brands

You don’t just want traffic – you want qualified leads and revenue. We get that.

We help healthcare brands build best-in-class SEO strategies to generate qualified, organic traffic that results in more appointments, patients, and recurring revenue for their business.

We leverage real data to get to know your specific audience, and develop a strategy that’s laser-focused on tapping into that organic demand.

We have a proven track record of success in helping local and national healthcare brands increase their organic visibility. Chances are we can help you, too.

Our SEO Services

SEO Audits

The #1 reason that healthcare brands partner with us is because their current SEO strategy isn’t working. Whether you’re having trouble getting a new website off the ground, or if you recently noticed a decline in your organic traffic, SEO audits help to diagnose issues and fill holes in your existing strategy.

Keyword Research

Choosing the right keywords is essential to ensuring that your website is seen by the right people. We love digging into organic keyword reports to find top traffic drivers, striking distance opportunities and competitor keyword gaps. We’ll help you identify the most highly profitable keywords for your business, and develop a strategy that helps us rank for every single one of them.

Technical SEO

If Google has problems crawling your site, you’re probably missing out on traffic opportunities. It’s important to make it as easy as possible for search engine crawlers to effectively index and rank your website in search results. We can help identify and fix underlying technical issues that are holding back your SEO performance.

Content Strategy

Google is looking for helpful, people-first content. Even in the most niche practice areas, the online healthcare space can be brutally competitive, and building the trust and credibility it takes to rank is no easy task. We provide results-driven, end-to-end content strategies that help healthcare brands establish themselves as a leading authority in their industry.

Competitive Research

In order to outrank your competition, you need to understand what they’re doing right – and where they’re falling short. By evaluating the competitors you’re up against, we can identify opportunities to help you close the gap. A competitive analysis helps shape the scope of our strategy, and allows us to hone in on the opportunities that will have the highest impact on your bottom line.  

Monthly Reporting

The work your agency is doing and the impact it has on your bottom line should never be a mystery. We think transparency is important, and that’s why we always tie all of our efforts back to your core business goals with detailed analytics and reporting. Each month we’ll dot the line between deliverables and measurable impacts.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does SEO cost?

Our SEO retainers start at $2,500 per month, SEO audits start at $2,000, and our hourly rate for SEO projects is $150 for projects under 20 hours, and $125 for projects exceeding 20 hours. To put that into perspective, according to a 2023 survey by Ahrefs, agencies charge, on average, over $3,200 per month for SEO retainers, consultants charge about $3,250 per month, and freelancers charge about $1,400 per month. For hourly SEO projects, agencies charge, on average, $170 per hour, consultants charge around $100 per hour, and freelancers charge about $70 per hour.

How long does it take for SEO to start working?

On average, we like to see results within the first 3-6 months, but your competition, your website’s history, and of course your overall budget and resources, will all play a major role in how long it takes to move the needle. There are essentially three levers to pull when it comes to SEO: cost, time and quality. Our quality of work is consistent across all projects, leaving time and cost as the main variables. In other words, the more you invest in your SEO strategy, the sooner you will see results.

Why isn’t my website showing up on Google?

If you recently launched a new website, it can take some time for Google to crawl and index your site in search results. The first thing you should do is run a site search on Google for your domain: You can also do this for specific web pages: If your site is missing from Google’s index, you can check out this Google help doc for more troubleshooting tips.

Why am I losing organic traffic?

It’s normal for organic traffic trends to fluctuate over time, but large swings shouldn’t be ignored. The first step is identifying what’s changed. Did traffic decline while rankings remained flat? Did the loss in traffic translate to fewer website calls and conversions? There are a lot of factors at play, and the only way know for sure what’s going on is to run a comprehensive SEO audit. Our SEO audits include actionable playbooks and implementation guides so you’re equipped with everything you need to improve your organic visibility.

What other marketing services do you offer?

We do a lot more than just SEO. Our consulting services include content strategy and development, conversion optimization, reputation management, and web design.

Schedule Your Free SEO Consultation

If you have any questions about our SEO services or if you’d like to schedule a free phone or video consultation, please fill out the form below and someone from our team will be in touch with you.

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